
Dog Days of Summer

We are now into the last few weeks of the traditional “summer holidays” in Canada, and the back to school vibe is already here.

Have you taken time to relax and refresh over the last few months?  

Now, don’t get me wrong, action is essential to build lives we’d love.  Yet there is inspired action, and there is action based in old patterns of thought.

Up until a few years ago, much of my life was dominated by push energy.  I didn’t know any different. I was always on the “go, go, go” or having to “do, do, do”.  Then I started to take notice and look at patterns in my life.  If we look at the words “go, go, go and do, do, do”, we see they are repetitive and rather mechanical, aren’t they?  And, that isn’t who you are and it isn’t who I am.

As a child, one of the patterns of thought I learned was that “to get anywhere in life you had to get busy and do… If you were lazy, then you’d never amount to anything.”  Is this something you can relate to?

I see a few flags to that way of thinking:

  • The inference is that if you aren’t doing something, you are lazy
  • There is no distinction between thoughtful or inspired action and any old action
  • Never amount to anything?  Whoa, what’s that about?  In truth, by the Spirit breathing me, I am all there is in every moment.

In my experience, being busy all the time is exhausting and causes the energy of the body to contract.  When people are stressed its evident in their body. In fact, they’re torked out on a number of levels and it isn’t healthy!

Taking some time to relax refreshes the body and mind.  When we relax, we open to new ideas, experiences and can experience more fun.  

So, as this month of August winds down, what might you do to relax and have more fun?  And even if this is your busiest season of work or you live in another area of the world where summer isn’t winding down, there is always the opportunity to appreciate the sunrise, sunset and the beauty of the season.  That in itself can refresh and restore.

Each day is a new day; each moment fresh.  What’s it worth to you to bring your full Life into it?

If you’d love to enjoy YOUR life to the fullest, click here to schedule a complimentary session. You’ll be happy you did!

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