
To Be or Become the Change…

Some people know the quote of Mahatma Gandhi as, “Be the change you want to see in the world”.  I’ve heard it as “Become the change you want to see in your world”. 

So, “what is the difference”?

We may live on 1 planet yet each person lives in his or her own world.  The world we live in depends on our perception, and our perception arises from our patterns of thinking.  Your patterns of thinking differ from mine, and because of that we ...

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Lunch ‘n Learn Webinar

Hi friends,

I’m hosting another Lunch ‘n Learn webinar on Zoom.

If you’d love some planning suggestions for an amazing 2019 and beyond, join in.

Here’s the description on Eventbrite:

If you’d like to discover what you’d love next for your life, OR see different results in your health, relationships, work, or time and money freedom, come discover the art and science of creating a life you’d love!

During this dynamic and fun 30 minute webinar you’ll learn 2 essential keys to creating a vision for your ...

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What is the voice of the Heart?

Have you ever wondered what people are talking about when they say “come from your heart”?

If that question resonates with you, read on. I have a secret to share!

When I first heard people ask:  “what does your heart say”, I thought it was weird, and somewhat silly.  Perhaps it was just me, and being a lawyer, but we didn’t talk in those terms.  While I felt things, I just thought these were my emotions and feelings.  It seemed to me ...

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I found this photograph of a wild rose (by Dennis Jarvis).  The rose is beautiful, isn’t it?

When we experience beauty, it is because we are attuned to its frequency.  And, the more we tune into beauty, the more we experience it.

In many respects this wild rose represents the programs and coaching I offer.

You will create a vision that aligns with your values and then take steps to build that dream vision.  This requires and you will learn to attune to ...

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